
Regions: 11
Area covered: Great Britain
Time period: 2000 to 2023
Source: Road traffic statistics

The South East region had the highest traffic levels in 2023, with 52.8 billion vehicle miles driven on its roads. This was 16% of all traffic in 2023.

The South East has 12% of road length in Great Britain.

Estimated motor vehicle traffic

Time period: 2023
Source: Road traffic statistics
Metric: Billion vehicle miles (annually)
Regions Vehicle miles (billions)
South East 52.8
East of England 37.9
North West 35.9
South West 34.7
West Midlands 32.0
Scotland 29.8
East Midlands 29.4
Yorkshire and The Humber 27.9
London 19.2
Wales 18.5
North East 12.7

Estimated annual traffic across Great Britain

Time period: 1993 - 2023
Source: Road traffic statistics
Metric: Billion vehicle miles (annually)

Data downloads

Download street-level traffic figures for all regions, local authorities and count point locations.

Data downloads

  • Annual average daily flow
  • Annual average daily flow by direction
  • Raw counts